
COVID-19: Tribunals delays

Written by Martin Delisle

April 2, 2020 – Did you know that many limitation period are suspended, but some are still ongoing?

Federal Court, Tax Court of Canada, Federal Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada

The limitation period for filing a motion, appeal or application for leave shall remain in force. Furthermore, once your appeal has been filed, all procedural deadlines are suspended until May 1st, 2020. Please note that the registries are currently closed. Therefore, you must file your procedure electronically and it will be processed once the registries reopen.

Court of Québec, Superior Court and Court of Appeal

All limitation periods, forfeiture periods and procedural deadlines are suspended until the state of health emergency is ended.

If you have any questions regarding the impact of the situation caused by COVID-19 on your appeals’ limitation period, we invite you to contact us.
