Family Law

Compensatory allowance and unjust enrichment.


Under Quebec family law, the concepts of compensatory allowance and unjust enrichment play crucial roles in addressing financial matters following the dissolution of relationships. Compensatory allowance is designed to rectify financial disparities that may arise due to sacrifices or contributions made by one spouse for the benefit of the other during the course of the relationship.

Unjust enrichment, on the other hand, pertains to situations, more specifically in the context of common-law (de facto) spouses, where one party has been unjustly enriched at the expense of the other. This may involve financial or non-financial contributions that have not been adequately acknowledged or compensated. It is important to note that unlike married couples, common-law partners do not benefit from the same automatic property division rules but may claim a financial contribution from the financially-advantaged spouse under specific circumstances.

Our experienced family law practitioners specialize in navigating the intricacies of compensatory allowance and unjust enrichment cases. Whether you are seeking fair compensation for sacrifices made during the relationship or defending against unjust claims, trust our expertise to provide guidance and advocate for your financial interests.

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