Montréal, February 25, 2022 – We are proud to have seven De Grandpré Chait members listed in the 2022 edition of the Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory. Based on peer recognition, this Canadian directory lists professionals who are recognized as leaders in their fields of practice. We are particularly pleased to highlight the first-time nominations of Aubie J. Herscovitch and Etienne Chauvin alongside their distinguished colleagues, some of whom have appeared in the directory every year for over a decade. It is also noteworthy that Jonathan M. Fecteau is listed among the Lawyers to Watch in the Litigation – Regulatory & Public Law category.
Published since 1997, the Directory is a leading reference tool for legal services across Canada. In addition to illustrating the excellence of our lawyers, these recognitions reflect the high level of our legal services. De Grandpré Chait lawyers recognized in the directory are as follows:
François Beauchamp:
- “Consistently Recommended” in Construction Law
Fred Carsley:
- “Consistently Recommended” in Property Leasing
- “Repeatedly Recommended” in Property Development
Etienne Chauvin:
- “Repeatedly Recommended” in Construction Law
Philipp Duffy:
- “Repeatedly Recommended” in Infrastructure Law
Aubie J. Herscovitch:
- “Repeatedly Recommended” in Property Leasing
Francine Nelson (Wiseman):
- “Repeatedly Recommended” in Estate & Personal Tax Planning
Marc J. Rubin:
- “Repeatedly Recommended” in Project Finance
- “Consistently Recommended” in Property Development
In addition to these individual recognitions, De Grandpré Chait once again emerges as a leading firm in Construction Law (“Consistently Recommended”), Real Estate Development (“Consistently Recommended”) and Real Estate Leasing (“Most Frequently Recommended”).