Real Estate 2022: Trends and Developments
Introduction Quebec’s commercial real estate industry will remember 2021 as both a year of COVID-19 clampdowns and a year of consi...
On December 10, 2020, the Quebec government adopted Bill 66, An Act Respecting The Acceleration of Certain Infrastructure Projects. Some of the measures of this law, particularly those relating to expropriation, will have a major impact on the rights of owners.
This new law proposes 4 acceleration measures for infrastructure projects, one of which directly affects private owners, namely the acceleration of expropriation procedures. This measure will apply to hundreds of projects, ranging from the construction of schools and senior’s residences, to the renovation of roads and hospitals.
Following the Act Respecting The Réseau Électrique Métropolitain1 and the Act Respecting the Réseau Structurant de Transport en Commun de la Ville de Québec2, the government creates new duties and obligations for expropriated parties and grants more rights to the expropriating parties.
Practically speaking, owners will be affected by the following measures:
We invite you to contact one of our expropriation professionals with any additional questions.
1. RLRQ, c. R-25.02. 2. RLRQ, c. R-25.03. 3. RLRQ, c. E-24.
Introduction Quebec’s commercial real estate industry will remember 2021 as both a year of COVID-19 clampdowns and a year of consi...
The number of articles concerning a reform of the Expropriation Act has recently multiplied in the media. Yet, only one side of the coin seems to be portrayed, namely that of the represent...
It's best to watch this in landscape mode.