Although e-commerce is gaining ground, consumers still appreciate an in-store experience. For merchants, this means refining their physical presence while quickly integrating new technologies.
From traditional stores to social media, managing your sales channels comes with its share of legal and legislative concerns. Intellectual property compliance (which affects all merchants), packaging procedures, website terms and conditions, regulations related to advertising and contests on social networks, mass data management and cybersecurity are just some of the things merchants must consider.
Distribution and import-export practices are also greatly affected by these shifts as demand increases and response time is expected to shrink. The distribution chain is a complex mechanism that involves a huge number of players, including manufacturing agents, product licensees, franchisees and affiliated dealers and merchants.
All of these business relationships should be protected by clear contracts, sound corporate policies, reliable commercial leases and duly negotiated agreements. Our team can assist you with all this and more, because like you, our professionals pride themselves on delivering the goods.
Our other sectors of activity.
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