
Alexandre Chano

Legal AssistantJenny-Chanmany

Alexandre practises tax law and corporate and commercial law. He meets clients’ needs with respect to Canadian and international tax planning, corporate reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, and trusts. He is also involved in resolving disputes with tax authorities.

Alexandre holds a law degree from Université de Montréal and a master’s degree in taxation from HEC Montréal.

Alexandre practises tax law and corporate and commercial law. He meets clients’ needs with respect to Canadian and international tax planning, corporate reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions, and trusts. He is also involved in resolving disputes with tax authorities.

Alexandre holds a law degree from Université de Montréal and a master’s degree in taxation from HEC Montréal.

Master of Laws in Taxation (LL. M. Tax.) 
HEC Montréal, 2021

Université de Montréal, 2019

Member, Barreau du Québec

Member, Association de planification fiscale et financière

Member, Canadian Tax Foundation